Reground Organics continues to grow
ReGround Organics continues to grow closing new business deals
ReGround Organics continues to grow closing new business deals
ReGround Organics was recently named as one of the Recycling Council of Ontario's Gold Award Winners for Product Innovation.
ReGround Organics was recently named as one of the Recycling Council of Ontario's newest members.
Toronto shopping centres Eglinton Square and Cloverdale Mall have erased their coffee footprint with an innovative program called Grounds to Gardens.
Toronto shopping centres Eglinton Square and Cloverdale Mall have erased their coffee footprint with an innovative program called Grounds to Gardens.
Since 2013 the Bentall Kennedy-managed properties have collected 116,540 lbs (52,862 kilograms) of coffee grounds from their food service retailers. Partnering with Reground Organics, 100% of the used coffee grounds, which are rich in nitrogen, are mixed with nutrients to create sustainable potting soil. ...
After two years of research, collection and composting waste coffee grounds, Reground organics has made a product from Coffee ground waste that would otherwise have retired to community landfills. Our composted product has been used for the same horticultural purpose as peat loam and composted wood products.